On September 28 the annual meeting of members of the Lithuanian-coordinated Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRT) project under the European Union the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) took place in the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania. It covered preparation for the sixth CRRT rotation under Lithuanian leadership in 2024.
This meeting was a great opportunity to present the progress of the CYBER4DE project to the CRRTs representatives. Robertas Petravicius, BPTI Cyber Security Project Manager, provided the CYBER4DE toolbox development progress and current activities: the Consortium is preparing for the toolbox modules integration and the System testings, developing the documentation, training material and SOPs, also Final Common Specifications for the system for pMSs approval.
The main focus of the presentation was to provide CRRTs the detailed information on toolbox qualification activities and procedures with the timeline in order to CRRT teams could be prepared for qualification test event, where the toolbox will be operated by the pMSs in a realistic deployment scenario and in accordance with a series of acceptance tests that prove the system meets its functional requirements.